Adjustment Budget 2021/2022
- Click here to download the PDF for the MMM-Adjustment-Budget-June-2021-2022
- Click here to download the PDF on the B Schedule – mSCOA Ver 6.5 – 13 July 2021
Section 28 of the MFMA determines that:
(1) A municipality may revise an approved annual budget through an adjustments budget.
(2)(b) An adjustments budget may appropriate additional revenues that have become available over and above those anticipated in the annual budget, but only to revise or accelerate spending programs already budgeted for.
(2)(c) An adjustments budget may, within a prescribed framework, authorise unforeseeable and unavoidable expenditure recommended by the mayor of the municipality.
(3) An adjustments budget must be in a prescribed format.
(4) Only the mayor may table an adjustments budget in the municipal council, but an adjustments budget in terms of subsection (2)(b) to (g) may only be tabled within any prescribed limitations as to timing and frequency.
Section 23(3) of the Municipal Budget and Reporting Regulations determine that:
If a national or provincial adjustments budget allocates or transfers additionalrev~nues to a municipality, the mayor of the municipality must, at the next available council meeting, but within 60 days of the approval of the relevant national or provincial adjustments budget, table an adjustments budget referred to in section(2)(b) of the Act in the municipal council to appropriate these additional revenues. The capital and operational budget have been evaluated and adjusted based on the abovementioned legislative requirements.
It was resolved that the original budget as approved on 30 June 2021 be adjusted accordingly. Operating Income be decreased by R93,597 million to the revised amount of R7,980 billion. The Operating Expenditure be decreased by R8,559 million to the revised amount of R 7,442 billion. The Capital Expenditure Budget be increased by R420,931 million to the revised amount of R 1,642 billion for the 2021/22 financial year.